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Dr. Ali Tetbirt | Mechanical sensors | Best Researcher Award

Permanent Researcher at Mechanical sensors , Development unit of solar equipment, UDES/EPST-CDER, Algeria

Dr. Ali Tetbirt holds a Magister degree in Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in Energetic and Transfer from the Doctoral school at Dr. Yahia Fares University of Médéa, Algeria. They earned a Doctorate degree in Science with a focus on Mechanical Engineering from the University Hassiba Ben-bouali of Chlef, Algeria, in July 2017, and attained the senior researcher –B- degree in September 2017. Currently, Dr. Tetbirt works as a researcher at the Development Unit of Solar Equipments (UDES\CDER) since May 2013, contributing to the research team titled “Cooling and Air Conditioning Systems using Renewable Energies” (FCEEOR-Team). Their responsibilities include teaching at the university and providing training to Master’s students in the field of renewable energy and PV-systems.

Professional Profile


Dr. Ali Tetbirt’s academic journey began with a Mathematical series baccalaureate from high school “Hamza Ben AbdElmotalib” El-Khemis, Ain Defla, Algeria, in June 1989. They later earned a State Engineer degree in HVAC, Option: HVAC, from the University of Khemis (UKM), Algeria, in 2008. Dr. Tetbirt furthered their education with a Magister in Mechanical Engineering, Option: energy and transfer, from the Doctoral school ‘Mechanics and Systems Engineering (MIS)’ at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Dr. Yahia Fares University of Médéa, Algeria. Their academic journey culminated in a Doctorate in Science, Specialty and Option: Mechanical Engineering, from the Faculty of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hassiba Ben Bouali University, HBU Chlef, Algeria.


Dr. Ali Tetbirt possesses strong informatics skills, including proficiency with the Windows operating system and Matlab software. They served as a contract professor at Djilali Bounaama University of Khemis Miliana (UDBK), W. Ain Defla, Algeria, from 2009 to 2013. In this role, they conducted Laboratory Practice (TP) and Directed works (TD) in Physics, Mechanics, and electricity in ST-SM and MI departments. Dr. Tetbirt also led TD in Mechanics of Compressible Fluids (MDF) and lectured on thermal habitats (TL) and Refrigeration systems. They were involved in teaching lessons at the Master (LMD) level and conducted TD in Mathematics (GS & ET). Additionally, Dr. Tetbirt taught Technical Terminologies (ET) at the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) and supervised Directed works (TD) in Mathematics (Analysis and Algebra) at the Faculty of Economics and Commerce (FSEC).


Dr. Ali Tetbirt has extensive experience in organizing various events. They were a member of the organizing committee for the I3CT_MENA’2015 seminar at UDES and participated in organizing the international conference on the application of renewable energies in the agricultural sector in 2019 at UDES. Dr. Tetbirt also served as a member of the scientific community for the first national seminar on climate engineering, renewable energies, and energy efficiency (GECLEREE2021) at Yahia Fares University in Médéa. Additionally, they were a member of the organizing committee for the inter-Lycian scientific event on the occasion of the June 21 “Solstice 2021” day and the prize-giving ceremony for the competition of the inter-Lycian scientific event on the occasion of July 5, organized by UDES in cooperation with the academy of national education, wilaya of Tipaza.


“Numerical study of magnetic effect on the velocity distribution field in a macro/micro-scale of a micropolar and viscous fluid in vertical channel” by A. Tetbirt, M.N. Bouaziz, M.T. Abbes. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2016. (35 citations)

“Theoretical analysis of two evaporator configurations for a conventional refrigerator coupled to a phase change material” by M. Berdja, F. Yahi, A. Tetbirt, M. Ouali, M.A. Djebiret, M. Mokrane. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020. (5 citations)

“Modelling and Exergetic Analysis of a Parabolic Trough Solar Collector” by F. Yahi, M. Belhamel, M. Berdja, M. Mokrane, M.A. Djebiret. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020. (2 citations)

“Transferts Convectifs Magnétohydrodynamique des Fluides Micropolaire et Visqueuxdans un Canal Vertical” by A. Tetbirt. Tahar Abbes Miloud, 2017. (1 citation)

“Numerical investigation of MHD mixed-convective flow and heat transfer within immiscible micropolar and nanofluids in a vertical channel” by A. Tetbirt, M.A. Djebiret, M. Ouali, M. Mokrane, M.N. Bouaziz. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 2024.

“Energy Rationalization by PV Domestic Refrigerator with CTES” by M. Ouali, M.A. Djebiret, M. Mokrane, A. Tetbirt, M. Berdja, F. Yahi. 14th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC), 2023.

“Energy Efficiency Performances for a Modular House via Air Conditioning” by M.A. Djebiret, M. Ouali, A. Tetbirt, M. Mokrane, M. Berdja, F. Yahi. 14th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC), 2023.

“Numerical approach of Magnetic and viscous diffusivity in a heat exchanger cooled by a non-Newtonian fluid” by A. Tetbirt, M.A. Djebiret, M. Mokrane, M. Ouali, M. Berdja, F. Yahi. 6th International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC), 2018.


“Rafraîchissement solaire par sorption en Algérie” by MA Djebiret, A Tetbirt.

“Investigation expérimental sur un dispositif de production de froid à adsorption” by MA DJEBIRET, M OUALI, M MOKRANE, A TETBIRT, F YAHI, M BERDJA, …

“Experimental study and energy optimization of a solar domestic refrigerator incorporating a phase change materials” by A. Tetbirt, M. Mokrane, M. Abbas, M. Berdja, Y. Ferhat.

“Large Prandtl number effect on the velocity distribution field of free convective flow of two different types of immiscible fluids in a vertical channel, in Istanbul, Turkey, 2016” by MN Bouaziz, A Tetbirt, AM Bouaziz, MT Abbes.

“Simulation CFD-D’un système de stockage d’énergie frigorifique par chaleur latente de fusion de la glace” by M MOKRANE, M BERDJA, A TETBIRT, F YAHI, B ABBAD.



Ali Tetbirt | Mechanical sensors | Best Researcher Award

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