Prof. Jie Dou, The University of Tokyo, China
Professor Dou Jie is a distinguished scholar at the China University of Geosciences, China. With a Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo and extensive experience at institutions such as the University of Tokyo, the Public Works Research Institute, and Nagaoka University of Technology, Professor Dou has been recognized through prestigious programs like the High-level Hundred Talents Program and the Wuhan City Talent Program. He has been a competitive applicant for the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). His research focuses on earthquake and rainfall-triggered geohazards, spatial analysis using artificial intelligence (AI), and risk mitigation, with fieldwork spanning countries including Japan, China, Italy, Algeria, Vietnam, and Brazil. Professor Dou has authored or co-authored over 60 peer-reviewed articles and 10 book chapters, including 15 Essential Science Indicators (ESI) papers and 2 hotspot papers, with one of his papers being selected among the Top 100 Nature Scientific Reports. His work has garnered around 7,100 citations on Google Scholar. He has delivered numerous plenary and invited talks at international conferences and serves as a Topic Editor for the journal Remote Sensing and an Associate Editor for Frontiers in Earth Science. Additionally, he is on the editorial boards of several journals, including the Journal of Mountain Science, Geocarto International, and Geomatics
Professional Profile:
Summary of Suitability for Best Researcher Award: Professor Dou Jie
Dr. Dou Jie stands out as an exemplary candidate for the Best Researcher Award due to his extensive and impactful contributions to the field of geohazards, spatial analysis, and risk mitigation. Here are the key reasons for his suitability:
š Achievements and Recognition:
- Selected for the High-level Hundred Talents Program
- Part of the Wuhan City Talent Program
- Competitive applicant for the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
šŖļø Research Interests:
- Earthquake and rainfall-triggered geohazards
- Spatial analysis with artificial intelligence (AI)
- Risk mitigation strategies
š Global Research Impact:
- Conducted research in Japan, China, Italy, Algeria, Vietnam, and Brazil
- Authored/co-authored over 60 peer-reviewed articles and 10 book chapters
- Published 15 Essential Science Indicators (ESI) and 2 hotspot papers
- One paper selected among the Top 100 Nature Scientific Reports papers
- Over 7,100 citations on Google Scholar
š¤ Conference Contributions:
- Delivered several plenary and invited talks at international conferences on geohazards
š Editorial Roles:
- Topic editor for the journal Remote Sensing
- Associate Editor of Frontiers in Earth Science
- Editorial board member for several international journals including:
- Journal of Mountain Science
- Geocarto International
- Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk
š Review and Committee Work:
- Reviewed for over 45 ISI-listed international journals
- Steering committee member for several international academic societies and conferences, including:
- World Landslide Forum 5
- BIGS2021
- BIGS2023
- XIV IAEG 2023
Publication top Notes:
Machine learning methods for landslide susceptibility studies: A comparative overview of algorithm performance
A comparative assessment of flood susceptibility modeling using multi-criteria decision-making analysis and machine learning methods
Assessment of advanced random forest and decision tree algorithms for modeling rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility in the Izu-Oshima Volcanic Island, Japan
Improved landslide assessment using support vector machine with bagging, boosting, and stacking ensemble machine learning framework in a mountainous watershed, Japan
Application of a hybrid artificial neural network-particle swarm optimization (ANN-PSO) model in behavior prediction of channel shear connectors embedded in normal and highĀ ā¦