Dr. Srinivas Balivada | Hidden Sensors Award | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Srinivas Balivada | Hidden Sensors Award | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Srinivas Balivada, University of Chicago Trust, India

Dr. Srinivasa Balivada is a consultant with the University of Chicago Trust in Delhi, India, and a guest scientist at the University of Chicago. He holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Andhra University, where his research focused on trace elements in diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Dr. Balivada’s expertise lies in developing innovative cyber-physical systems for real-time monitoring of soil and water quality, leveraging AI to promote sustainable environmental management.

Professional Profile:

Summary of Suitability for Best Researcher Award: Srinivasa Balivada, Ph.D.

Research Contributions: Srinivasa Balivada has made significant advancements in the field of cyber-physical systems and environmental monitoring. His research has been pivotal in developing innovative technologies for real-time soil and water quality monitoring, leveraging machine learning and advanced sensor networks. Some notable contributions include:


  • Ph.D. in Chemistry, October 2018
    Andhra University, India
  • M.Sc. in Bio-Inorganic Chemistry, May 2007
    Andhra University, India
  • B.Sc. in Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology, May 2005
    Andhra University, India

Work Experience

  • Guest Scientist & Consultant, May 2024 – Present
    University of Chicago & University of Chicago Trust, Delhi, India
    Focus: Designing a web-based platform integrating water quality data with contextual information to identify pollution sources and enhance monitoring.
  • Staff Scientist & Resident Associate, May 2023 – May 2024
    University of Chicago & Material Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory
    Focus: Developed a novel machine learning algorithm for spatially mapping soil moisture using topographic parameters.
  • Postdoctoral Scholar & Resident Associate, May 2019 – May 2023
    University of Chicago & Material Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory
    Advisor: Prof. Supratik Guha; Co-advisor: Dr. Roser Matamala
    Focus: Developed low-power, wireless underground sensor networks for soil property collection; created a deep learning algorithm for soil moisture estimation.
  • Senior Research Lead, May 2017 – April 2019
    University of Chicago Centre, Delhi, India
    Focus: Developed a cyber-physical sensing system for high-resolution surface water quality mapping; created a soft measurement technique for water quality assessment.
  • Research Scholar, 2010 – 2017
    School of Chemistry, Andhra University, India
    Advisor: Prof. M S Prasada Rao
    Focus: Developed a method for simultaneous trace element determination in blood samples; investigated trace element associations with diabetes and hypertension.
  • Research Fellow, 2010 – 2017
    Centre for Studies on Bay of Bengal, Andhra University, India
    Focus: Developed algorithms for quantifying chlorophyll, chromophoric organic matter, and suspended solids in coastal waters; monitored algal blooms using satellite remote sensing.
  • Teaching Assistant, 2011 – 2017
    Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Andhra University, India
    Taught and graded laboratory sessions for Bio-Inorganic Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry.
  • Chemist in Quality Control Department, 2007 – 2009
    Auctus Pharma Ltd., India
    Responsibilities: Conducted routine and non-routine analyses of raw materials and finished products, compiled data, and calibrated analytical instruments including HPLC, GC, IR, and UV-Vis spectrometers.

Publication top Notes:


Distribution of trace metals in surface seawater and zooplankton of the Bay of Bengal, off Rushikulya estuary, East Coast of India


A Wireless Underground Sensor Network Field Pilot for Agriculture and Ecology: Soil Moisture Mapping Using Signal Attenuation


Contrasting bio-optical characteristics of coastal water prior to and in the aftermath of a tropical super cyclone


Particle backscattering variability in the coastal waters of Bay of Bengal: a case study along off Kakinada and Yanam regions


Retrieval and validation of chlorophyll-a concentrations in the coastal waters Off Yanam and Kakinada (Godavari) basin along East coast of India