Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
Ms.Laura-CynthiaLefter"George Emil Palade" University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of TĆ¢rgu MureșRomaniaLab-on chipengineeringBest Researcher Award
Dr.GiacomoBertazzoliBeth Israel Deaconess Medical CenterUnited StatesElectromagnetic SensorsTranscranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalographyBest Researcher Award
Mr.FangzhouLinHong Kong University of Science and TechnologyHong KongVision SensingVisual Perception Based on Deep LearningBest Scholar Award
Prof.TongZhouNantong UniversityChinaInternet of Things (IoT)GISBest Paper Award
Prof.KristenMeiburgerPolitecnico di TorinoItalyApplications of Sensors (automotive, medical, environmental monitoring, earthquake life detection, high speed impact, consumer, alarm and security, nautical, aeronautical and space sensor systems, robotics, and automation) Solid State Sensorsneuromuscular ultrasoundBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrEriYoshidaToyohashi University of TechnologyJapanNano SensorsArtificial protein modelBest Researcher Award
Mr.CailinLiShandong University of TechnologyChinaSmart Sensors and Sensor FusionMulti source sensor data integrationļ¼›Optical image and laser point cloud fusionBest Researcher Award
Dr.PengZhiLanzhou UniversityChinaApplications of Sensors (automotive, medical, environmental monitoring, earthquake life detection, high speed impact, consumer, alarm and security, nautical, aeronautical and space sensor systems, robotics, and automation) Solid State SensorsDeep Learning, Semantic Segmentation, Object DetectionBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrLinchangZhaoSchool of Computer ScienceChinaInternet of Things (IoT)GPUBest Researcher Award
Mrs.LakshmiDarsiSRM University, AP, INDIAIndiaOptical Sensors (radiation sensors, meta-material/meta-surface, optoelectronic/photonic sensors, and fibres)MetamaterialBest Researcher Award
Prof.XiangchaoZhangFudan UniversityChinaOptical Sensors (radiation sensors, meta-material/meta-surface, optoelectronic/photonic sensors, and fibres)deflectometryBest Researcher Award
Dr.AnfalAl-DalaeenApplied Science Private UniversityJordanApplications of Sensors (automotive, medical, environmental monitoring, earthquake life detection, high speed impact, consumer, alarm and security, nautical, aeronautical and space sensor systems, robotics, and automation) Solid State SensorsObesity, brain heatBest Researcher Award
Prof.XiaoxiaWANWuhan UniversityChinaVision Sensingå›½é™…ä¼ ę„ŸęŠ€ęœÆExcellence in Innovation
Dr.YangLiTsinghua UniversityChinaMechanical sensors (inertial, pressure, and tactile)Additive manufacturing temperature controlBest Researcher Award
Dr.HaoCuiWuhan UniversityChinaVision SensingRemote sensing image interpretationBest Researcher Award
Dr.JunLongHanschool of automotive & transportation engineeringChinaSensors and ActuatorsacoustofluidicsBest Researcher Award
Dr.WERONIKADYMARA-KONOPKAMedical University of LublinPolandBiological SensorsPerinatologyWomen Researcher Award
Mr.AdrianBarglazanUniversity "Lucian Blaga" SibiuRomaniaVision SensingComputer Vision / Image forgery detectionBest Researcher Award
Prof.AliceCervellieriPolytecnic of TurinItalyApplications of Sensors (automotive, medical, environmental monitoring, earthquake life detection, high speed impact, consumer, alarm and security, nautical, aeronautical and space sensor systems, robotics, and automation) Solid State SensorsElectronicsBest Faculty Award
Prof. DrHaiyanKangBeijing Information Science and Technology UniversityChinaSecurity and Reliability of WSN and IoTnetwork security and privacy protectionBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
